Eco-Friendly Surfboards
Did you know the surfing industry creates 220,000 tons of CO2e per year? In English, this is equivalent to taking 43,137 cars off the road.
This is why here at Surfboards UK Ltd sustainability is one of the main focuses in our surf shop. We are one of a few UK-based companies to be approved by the ECOBOARD project to make both level one and gold-level eco surfboards! Putting our name amongst some big names like firewire, slater designs, rob machado and channel islands,
What does this mean though? This means that we are verified to produce a surfboard with the same technical attributes as any modern surfboard, whilst having reduced environmental and toxic impacts.
How we do this.
Through the whole process of making surfboards, we are as sustainable as possible striving towards the most eco-friendly surfboards. This starts with our EPS blanks being 100% recyclable. All our offcuts and even our foam dust goes back to the supplier to be remade into new blanks. This is all done within the UK to reduce travel emissions.
Moving into the laminating room we use Bio entropy resin which is one of the most sustainable resins on the market with 29% biocarbon content. Which again we source from with in the UK to cut down on travel emissions.
The most ECO-friendly surfboards is a surfboard that is made to last in the market for a very long time, which is why we make our products to the best of our ability with high-quality materials. We offer a 1-year warranty to encourage our customers to get dings repaired, as quickly as possible to do as little long-lasting damage. This means our surfboards will last longer than any surfboard on the market.
Grow Blanks
We have also recently got our hands on a grow blank! Which is a surfboard blank made from organically grown agave! Agave is basically a softwood that we are able to use on the CNC machine and pretty much treat it the exact same as normal foam! The only difference is that all of the waste is completely bio-degradable and can literally be thrown out of the garden!! check out their website to find out more! https://growblanks.com/
Using these blanks allows us to achieve the gold level eco board status!
Our surf shop
Going away from actual surfboards we still try and do as much as we can in our building itself e.g, heaters on timers, LED lights and recycling. You will also find a lot of our walls are insulated with old surfboard blanks and dust, to minimise energy use as well as recycle old surfboards.